• Bulgarian Information Center / BIC / Moldova is headquartered in Chisinau.
• Bulgarian Information Center / BIC / Moldova has its own media.
• The main activities of BIC Moldova include 3 main directions: education, tourism, business / organization of B2B events and job mediation/
• Our team administers, implements and monitors projects in these areas.
• Our goal in Moldova, contacts with the public, business circles, non-governmental organizations.
• We have over 20 years of experience in marketing, advertising, PR, law and administration.

• Use the inquiry form.
• We answer questions related to education, employment, and tourism in Bulgaria, business in Moldova and Bulgaria.
• Expect our response within 24 hours.

    Moldova, Chisinau
    str. Columna  №86
    +359 899 14 25 49 / Bulgaria /
    +359 899 97 33 11 / Bulgaria /
    +373 79 91 09 07 / Moldova /